This feature enables candidates to input their available dates and times for interviews by sharing a unique link with them. It significantly improves the scheduling process by allowing the system to auto-recommend interview slots, thereby reducing the administrative burden on staff and increasing the convenience for candidates.
How It Works
Sending the Unique Link:
The unique link can be distributed to candidates in several ways:
Directly: Send the link directly to the candidate via email or another communication channel.
Via candidate.fyi Email: Utilize candidate.fyi's email system to send the link. Each link contains a token to secure the scheduling process and verify the candidate's identity.
Candidate Portal: For candidates who have access to the candidate portal, the link can be made available within their dashboard for easy access.
Timezone Selection:
Upon accessing the link, candidates are prompted to confirm their timezone. By default, the system automatically detects and sets the timezone based on the candidate's browser settings. However, candidates have the option to manually adjust this if necessary.
Entering Availability:
Candidates are presented with a calendar interface where they can specify the days and times they are available for interviews. This input stage is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring candidates can easily communicate their preferences.
Auto-recommendation of Time Slots:
Once availability is submitted, the candidate.fyi system processes this information against the interviewers' availability and other scheduling constraints. It then automatically recommends optimal interview time slots to the recruiting team.