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Interviewer Thank Yous

How to enable interviewer and use interviewer thank yous (beta feature)

Updated over a week ago

One of the most exciting parts of the interview process happens after the interview when "thank yous" get sent!

With, we have a slight twist on this - we give interviewers the ability to send thank you notes to candidates - from inside of or directly inside of Slack!

Here's how it works

Filling out in Slack

30 minutes after the interview has ended, the interviewer will receive a message in Slack (they'll get an email prompting them to fill out in the portal if Slack is not setup)

Filling out in

If you don't have Slack enabled, you can fill out thank yous under your profile under "Follow Ups"

How Candidates View Thank Yous

Once the interviewer submits the thank you, the candidate will see a little notification in their portal (they're also alerted by email 24 hours after the thank you is sent). Once they click on this, they can see the thank you note in their mailbox!

Enabling the Integration

Enabling Slack

Note - you have to be a admin and Slack admin to do this.

  1. Head to Integrations -> Slack. If you already have Slack connected, you will have to reconnect it to enable new permissions to allow to send messages to Slack users.

  2. Select "Enable candidate follow ups to interviewers in Slack"

Enabling per Job

  1. Head to the job list page and select the configure/settings icon

  2. Enable the "Interview Followups Enabled" option

Now you should be all set!

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